Case study
Marc Norton
Army Veteran, Vice President of AVS Hunter Coast Chapter, Dad, Husband and Student

Marc enlisted in the Army in 2008 as a transport driver. He spent time at 1ARMD in Darwin where he became a fuel tanker operator. He had the opportunity attend an exercise to the US where he trained with the USMC and was than posted to 2CDO in Sydney.

Marc discharged in 2012 with a back injury that affected both his physical and mental health.

“It’s intimidating, like joining the gym for the first time. Our first ever AVS meeting I was parked up and really keen to get there but it really took a big step to get out of the car and walk down and meet everybody and for me I’m so proud and grateful I did it because I haven’t looked back since.”
Even though Marc had never surfed before, he decided to see how he could get involved with a local Surfing Group that had just started in his area.
Despite being nervous and suffering from anxiety he met with the group where he is now learning how to surf and has become the Vice President.
“Surfing is a really good way to connect with the community.”

Surfing has created an extended family for Marc and has helped him both physically and mentally. The friends that he has made have helped him get out and be active even on the days he has not felt like it.
Since discharge he has completed his trade certificate in Carpentry and is now studying Social Science at University, with a goal in completing a master’s degree in Terrorism and Security. He is an active volunteer in the veteran community and is helping others through his experience.

“I’ve had times where I’ve shied away from wanting to surf due to mental health and anxiety things, but a good mate I surf with gets me out of bed and out onto the water. He’s been fantastic.”