Brad Mazzaferri
Invictus Games Düsseldorf 2023 Competitor
ADF service: I loved every minute of my career in the army, it was my life dream, it definitely had its moments, ups and downs but it has helped shape the man I am today. I discharged in 2019.
Current occupation: I am determined to return to university, I started last year but have deferred until later this year.
Age: 32
Current town: Greenock, Adelaide, South Australia
Home town: Sydney, New South Wales
Competing in: Cycling, sitting volleyball and swimming
What is the nature of your injury or illness?
I choose not to focus on my injury and illness, instead I focus on how I can use sport to help my rehabilitation and recovery. Sport is what motivates me to get out of bed every day and gives me the motivation to keep moving forward.
What role has sport played in your rehabilitation? Sport has been a motivator and distraction for me, it gives me something to focus on and work towards. Sport supports both my physical and mental health, gives me a sense of belonging and connects me with my local community. It helps keep my life in balance. Cycling gives me structure, emotional challenges, purpose and the motivation to get out of bed and better myself every day.
What is your greatest achievement to date? My military service. I am proud to have served my country alongside lifelong friends and proud of everything we were able to achieve.
Why did you apply for the Invictus Games? I wanted to be pushed both physically and mentally and thought the Games would provide that for me. I liked the idea of being able to represent Australia alongside others who have served, and who, like me have challenges they are working to overcome.
What will success look like for you at the Games? Getting to the start line is success for me. I don’t care if I don’t win, to be part of an incredible event like the Games is success.
What does unconquered mean to you? No matter how hard things get, no matter what challenges present themselves, you keep going. It can be hard, it may feel like you will never get to the other side but you put one foot in front of the other and keep going, that’s unconquered. I am the master of my fate and the captain of my soul.