jake christie

DoD Warrior Games 2024 Team Australia Competitor

ADF service: I joined the Australian Army in February 2015 as an Infantryman and was posted to 7RAR. I medically discharged in February 2021.

Other information: I am currently studying and working part-time as a surveyor. I have a beautiful wife, Lauren, and baby daughter, Halle.

Age: 29

Hometown: Sunshine Coast, Queensland

Current town: Sunshine Coast, Queensland

Competing in: Athletics, indoor rowing, powerlifting, swimming and wheelchair basketball 

What is the nature of your injury or illness? During my service I had bilateral shoulder reconstructions. A couple of years after leaving the military I had a right total hip replacement and left hip arthroscopy. I’m also managing chronic back and neck pain.

Sport background: I have played rugby league my whole life, as well as a bit of oztag and touch footy. During my service, I was fortunate to play rugby league for both the Army and ADF. I played in the Sergeant Matthew Locke MG Charity Event in Bellingen twice and played in curtain-raisers for NRL games on ANZAC Day in 2018 and 2019, against the New Zealand Defence Force. I played rugby league with the ADF in Papua New Guinea against one of their representative teams. Now, I enjoy lifting weights in the gym and playing touch rugby league.

What role has sport played in your rehabilitation? Sport has always been a massive part of my life. I struggled a lot while recovering from surgeries and not being able to play sport. I have worked extremely hard on my rehabilitation in the gym, with the goal to be able to run around and play sport again.

How did you feel when you were told you made the Warrior Games team? I was absolutely stoked! I’m honoured to be a part of the team with such a great bunch of competitors and staff.

What is your greatest achievement to date? Returning to sport after two hip surgeries last year, getting married and becoming a father.

Why did you apply for Warrior Games? I have missed competing on the football field. I wanted the chance to be competitive, to feel like an athlete again, and to be part of a team.

What will “winning” look like for you at the Games? Winning for me isn’t about medals. Winning will be getting myself in the best shape possible - physically and mentally - before the Games. If I can do that, the results will take care of themselves.

Who is supporting you at the Games? My wife and daughter, as well as my parents, Sherry and Gary, will be coming to support me at the Games. The rest of my family, plenty of friends and even a couple of people I’ve met at the gym will be watching from home.

Jake Christie