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The Gym Can Be All Sorts of Fun!

Want to get fit in a friendly and social environment? Well you’re in luck!

We’ve teamed up with All Sorts Gym to provide a 50% discount for veterans.

All Sorts has gyms in Alexandria and Wyong and both are welcoming veterans to become members for a special discounted rate.

Both complexes have indoor and outdoor facilities, as well as range of fitness classes and training options in individual and team spaces. 

It’s a no brainer

What first inspired All Sorts owner, David Hannan, to provide the offer was hearing on the radio about some of the difficulties that veterans were facing. He says that providing veterans the opportunity to use the facilities “seems a no brainer”.

“We have serving defence force members using the gym in Alexandria. It seems logical to extend it to ex-serving,” says David.

The offer provides full range access to the gym. With creche and childminding services available, David says it provides veterans an “opportunity to do things with their kids, be it indoor sports or swimming lessons at a heavily discounted rate”.

David is also challenging other gyms to provide similar deals for veterans.

Social opportunities

The gyms are social places too. People will “work out hard in the gym and then go and have a cake and coffee.”

“We don’t take ourselves deadly seriously in terms of having the perfect body, or being a professional soccer team,” says David. “It can be ‘kick and giggle’ and have a beer afterwards. It can be very social.”

The opportunities don’t stop at just getting fit or playing sports. David says that in time he “would be delighted to see veterans get involved in teaching.” He says there’s always a need for instructors and teachers and there’s support available for people who want to move into a career in fitness.

How to get the offer

If you’re interested in signing up for the offer, get in touch with VSA by emailing

All Sorts Gyms are located at:

All Sorts Fitness & Wellbeing Centre, Alexandria
184 Bourke Road
Alexandria NSW 2015

All Sorts Wyong
Wyong Milk Factory
141 Alison Road
Wyong 2259